Removing Carbon from the Atmosphere through Charcoal

A project that I never thought I would be doing at this time in my life is urging scientists
and leaders to consider production of charcoal from forests and burying it to remove carbon
from the atmosphere.

I expect the reaction of most persons upon hearing this proposal is an automatic rejection.
Why would we want to cut down our forests and bury charcoal! My expectation seems to be confirmed
since I have received essentially no response to the many letters and messages that I have sent to
people that claim to be seeking to solve the problem of excessive carbon in the atmosphere. Apparently,
the idea is not worthy of even a civil “thanks, but no thanks response.”

The reason that I did not expect to be pursuing this project is that I consider the idea to be so
obviously beneficial and implementable. When I left my career in environmental protection, I was
confident that idea would be thoroughly evaluated. Last year, I began searching the literature of
proposed solutions to “global warming” to see where charcoal production stood. I was appalled to be
unable to find even a mention of such an idea!
UPDATE 20210531
Having found no one in academia who showed any interest in the idea of atmospheric carbon removal and sequestration
by "trees to charcoal sequestration," I have done what I never wanted to do, which is put together a more detailed
presentation of the idea. Although it has taken much personal time, it is still needs verification by others.
If my analysis is close to accurate, I am still amazed by the lack of interest in this idea by those professionals
have been working so hard on solving the problem and accomplished so little.

To view this presentation, just click on this active link
Atmospheric Carbon Removal by Trees to Charcoal Sequestration.
Feel free to download the presentation if you wish.

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